Over at the Sojourners blog there is an interesting post entitled The Nazareth Declaration - read it here.
This is the first I've heard of The Manhattan Declaration and so don't want to offer any comments on it at present. I like the suggestion that Jesus Nazareth Declaration in Luke 4 refutes the Manhattan Declaration at one point - Jesus does not limit what he considers to be important to three points, and certainly not the three points in the Manhattan Declaration (1. the sanctity of human life, 2. the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife, and 3. the right of evangelicals to protest the first two items without recrimination.)
Now, I do think the three points of the Manhattan Declaration are important, but they are far from the most important points Christians need to address in 2009 entering 2010.
If you were asked to list the top three priorities for Christians/the Church in 2010 what would you put in your list?
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Blogging Resolutions
First of all, thank you to everyone who has visited my blog, especially those of you who have come back, who have left comments and who are following.
I've re-working my reading list at the side, for 2010 I've put a list of reading targets, in no particular order. I would hope to finish these books in 2010 and would welcome suggestions and recommendations to add to the list, as I think it won't last for the whole year!
Reflecting on my blog so far, I've taken on too many 'big' projects, like detailed blogging on various books, Tom Wright and David Bebbington spring to mind. I intend to continue blogging about books I've read, but won't take on such ambitious projects which don't get finished.
August and April were good months, both with over 20 posts. I will try to make 2o my target for posts per month and hope to achieve slightly above average over the year.
Once again, thanks to all who read this blog.
I've re-working my reading list at the side, for 2010 I've put a list of reading targets, in no particular order. I would hope to finish these books in 2010 and would welcome suggestions and recommendations to add to the list, as I think it won't last for the whole year!
Reflecting on my blog so far, I've taken on too many 'big' projects, like detailed blogging on various books, Tom Wright and David Bebbington spring to mind. I intend to continue blogging about books I've read, but won't take on such ambitious projects which don't get finished.
August and April were good months, both with over 20 posts. I will try to make 2o my target for posts per month and hope to achieve slightly above average over the year.
Once again, thanks to all who read this blog.
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
Scotland Prayer 2010
I'm very excited about the initiative supported by the Evangelical Alliance Scotland, Pray for Scotland, Alpha Scotland and CARE for Scotland - Scotland Prayer 2010 - visit the web site here.
We can join in by praying the Lord's Prayer at 12 noon each day.
We can organise pray rooms in our communities - see the web site for details on how to organise a 24-7 prayer room.
There are two national events already in the diary -
Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday - 23 May
Prayer for the Nation on St Andrew's Day - 30 Nov
Let's not pray about 'the work' in 2010 may God teach us that prayer is 'the work'.
... if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
We can join in by praying the Lord's Prayer at 12 noon each day.
We can organise pray rooms in our communities - see the web site for details on how to organise a 24-7 prayer room.
There are two national events already in the diary -
Global Day of Prayer on Pentecost Sunday - 23 May
Prayer for the Nation on St Andrew's Day - 30 Nov
Let's not pray about 'the work' in 2010 may God teach us that prayer is 'the work'.
... if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7:14)
Sunday, 27 December 2009
After Christmas - what?
Our reading in church today will be the nunc dimitis, Simeon's song from Lk 2:
God, you can now release your servant;
release me in peace as you promised.
With my own eyes I've seen your salvation;
it's now out in the open for everyone to see:
A God-revealing light to the non-Jewish nations,
and of glory for your people Israel. (The Message)
After Christmas we rest in God's promise believing that in Jesus God has fulfilled all his promises. After Christmas we live in the 'God-revealing light' (what a great phrase) and encourage all others to join us there.
A blessed Christmas results in a life that is both blessed and a blessing.
God, you can now release your servant;
release me in peace as you promised.
With my own eyes I've seen your salvation;
it's now out in the open for everyone to see:
A God-revealing light to the non-Jewish nations,
and of glory for your people Israel. (The Message)
After Christmas we rest in God's promise believing that in Jesus God has fulfilled all his promises. After Christmas we live in the 'God-revealing light' (what a great phrase) and encourage all others to join us there.
A blessed Christmas results in a life that is both blessed and a blessing.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
10 of the best
A list before Christmas. These are my ten of the best from this year over various categories and in no particular order:
1. Best CD.

Fred Drummond recommended this disc to me and I bought it at Keswick in the summer, it really is great and very highly commended.
2. Best project.
I've really enjoyed getting involved in the biblefresh project with the EA and the Bible Society. This is a very exciting opportunity in 2011 to celebrate the bible in English and to engage others with the bible during that year. Check out the web site from Jan 2010 - http://www.biblefresh.com/
3. Most challenging book
I've got three books on the list. The first one is Red Mood Rising by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts.
I want to learn to pray like this, I want to live in that place where pray is not something I do, but how I live.
This is not a book to read and put down, you really should read it and allow it to challenge your life.
4. Best gadget.
This is an old one. My 30gb ipod classic. I got it at Christmas 2006 and love it to bits. If only all gadgets were this useful.
5. Church law book.
There are not a lot of contenders in this category, but even if there were, my friend Marjory's book would still come out near the top.
An analysis of Church State relations which offers not only a new reading of the 1921 settlement, the role of the covenanters and the Confession of Faith in the Church State question. But best of all, the idea of diaconal sovereignty, a servent exercise of sovereignty which is not about rights, but service.
6. Wii game.
I tried for six months and both heirs, senior and junior, said together, that will be a rubbish game dad. When I bought Fifa 09 for myself I found I couldn't get near it for the two of them who decided it really was a great game. So it is, why would you want to up grade to Fifa 10? And for all you Rangers fans out there, it is worth it just to play Rangers and make Kris Boyd sprint for a whole game!!
7. Best song.
At Keswick we learned the song, 'By faith we see the hand of God'. I enjoy singing this song and rejoice in all that it affirms.
8. Best Greek Grammar book.
Again not a big category. But for all you Wenham students who want to take your Greek a bit further, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics by Daniel B Wallace is very highly recommended.
9. Best worship event.
In October, just a few days before senior heir needed his appendix removed, we went to the Worship Central tour event in Dunfermline. It was a great night and very challenging in the area of creativity and church life/ministry.
1. Best CD.

Fred Drummond recommended this disc to me and I bought it at Keswick in the summer, it really is great and very highly commended.
2. Best project.
I've really enjoyed getting involved in the biblefresh project with the EA and the Bible Society. This is a very exciting opportunity in 2011 to celebrate the bible in English and to engage others with the bible during that year. Check out the web site from Jan 2010 - http://www.biblefresh.com/
3. Most challenging book

I've got three books on the list. The first one is Red Mood Rising by Pete Greig and Dave Roberts.
I want to learn to pray like this, I want to live in that place where pray is not something I do, but how I live.
This is not a book to read and put down, you really should read it and allow it to challenge your life.
4. Best gadget.
This is an old one. My 30gb ipod classic. I got it at Christmas 2006 and love it to bits. If only all gadgets were this useful.
5. Church law book.

An analysis of Church State relations which offers not only a new reading of the 1921 settlement, the role of the covenanters and the Confession of Faith in the Church State question. But best of all, the idea of diaconal sovereignty, a servent exercise of sovereignty which is not about rights, but service.
6. Wii game.
I tried for six months and both heirs, senior and junior, said together, that will be a rubbish game dad. When I bought Fifa 09 for myself I found I couldn't get near it for the two of them who decided it really was a great game. So it is, why would you want to up grade to Fifa 10? And for all you Rangers fans out there, it is worth it just to play Rangers and make Kris Boyd sprint for a whole game!!
7. Best song.
At Keswick we learned the song, 'By faith we see the hand of God'. I enjoy singing this song and rejoice in all that it affirms.
8. Best Greek Grammar book.
Again not a big category. But for all you Wenham students who want to take your Greek a bit further, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics by Daniel B Wallace is very highly recommended.
9. Best worship event.

It was the St Ninians 125th, but the prize in this category has to go to John Calvin as we celebrated the 500th anniversary of his birth in July, with a cake and a book.
A New Poster
Earlier this year I was in London at a conference and happened to be in the British Library (ok, when out of my way and dragged a friend with me). If you haven't been to the British Library you should go, it's right next to St Pancreas Station, so good for a few hours while in the que for the Eurostar ...
Back to the story.
After paying our respects to Codex Sinaiticus, the earliest manuscript of the complete New Testament, from the 4th Century we went to the shop just to pass some time. In the shop they were selling posters of the greatly loved Codex, but I didn't want to try to bring one home on the plane. So, last week I got round to phoning the shop and yes, they posted me a copy of the poster. It's now on the wall, as you can see from the not very good photo below. Does this count as an icon for bible lovers? When I've figured out which page it is open at on the poster I'll let you know.
What do you forget?
I heard this song on Jonny Walker on Radio 2 this morning, and thought I would share it with you.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Advent Songs
Just in case you are flagging during advent, here's the Boss with a song for you ... have you been good??
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Pray about/against sex-trafficking
Read this amazing post from the 24-7 web site Can Prayer Impact Human Trafficking - and join in praying for victims of trafficking and an end to this evil trade.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Tearfund Scotland

Last night we had a meeting in Newton Stewart with Lynne Paterson (on the left) and Jo Mummery (on the right). Lynne is the new Director for Tearfund in Scotland and Jo is the Enquiries and Church Liaison Officer.
You can read about some of the changes that have happened in Tearfund Scotland here.
Tearfund are having a Christmas campaign to offer a Gift of Life to children like Gloria. Gloria is from Fombe Village in Malawi, which I was able to visit in 2007. Both Gloria's parents have died due to HIV/AIDS related diseases and Gloria, who is only 13, is HIV positive. Look at the resources page on the Tearfund web site here.
Pray for Gloria, and the too many more young children like her who are victims of HIV/AIDS. Pray for Lynne and Jo and their work for Tearfund in Scotland.
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Breaking News - FIFA award Ireland a replay
FIFA have granted permission for a replay of the last half of the extra time section of Wednesday night’s game to take place in Stade de France.
Ireland will be playing right to left ...

I was in Glasgow yesterday and went into Borders for the last time.
I've always enjoyed going into the store on Buchanan Street, a haven of books surrounded by a wilderness of other shops. But yesterday was awful: half empty shelves, books lying uncared for in piles, 'Store Closing' and '30% off' signs everywhere - it was like a bad jumble sale.
Our society is already retail sick, it is a catastrophic failure within our community that we cannot keep open book shops. Can nothing save us from the hegemony of M&S and John Lewis? Are we doomed to having city centres and shopping malls devoid of any soul, or sense of value (i.e. bookshops)?
I've always enjoyed going into the store on Buchanan Street, a haven of books surrounded by a wilderness of other shops. But yesterday was awful: half empty shelves, books lying uncared for in piles, 'Store Closing' and '30% off' signs everywhere - it was like a bad jumble sale.
Our society is already retail sick, it is a catastrophic failure within our community that we cannot keep open book shops. Can nothing save us from the hegemony of M&S and John Lewis? Are we doomed to having city centres and shopping malls devoid of any soul, or sense of value (i.e. bookshops)?
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
Advent Wallpaper

I've change my pc desktop wallpaper for Advent. This is a copy of the Cestello Annunciation by Botticelli. There are a number of copies on the web, but I like the vibrant colours in this one. I know that neither Mary nor the angel would have looked anything like this, but it is a great work of art and well worth looking at for more than the 24 days of Advent.
Just in case you think I've gone all arty, this image is used on the dust cover of The New International Commentary on the New Testament series, published by Eerdmans. I've got one or two in the series and Gordon Fee on 1 Corinthians is highly recommended.
IVP Advent
For the more seriously minded, IVP have an on line advent calendar which you can find here.
Advent Cheer
Just to keep us all going during Advent, some cheer from Frank Kelly ...
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