Monday, 16 February 2009

Money and questions

Today's headlines read that the Government will be investing, or giving as support, £100billion to the UK banking system.

There are only 60 million in the population - and here come the questions ...

What would happen if the Government saved £40 billion and gave each person in the UK £1billion?

How many people would pay off their mortgage?

What would happen to house prices and the housing market?

How many people would give up work?

How many people would use some of their money to invest in life saving projects in Peru, or Malawi, or ... ?

If everyone was a billionaire, would this stop the rat race of measuring self worth by piling up possessions?

Would people devote themselves to the arts? To study? To engineering and medicine for the benefit of our community?

I really don't know the answers, but it would be different and would create a different economic climate and structure, and we really need one of those.

1 comment:

The MacPuddock. said...

hi i just want to point out that 100billion is 100,000,000,000.
If you say 60,000,000,000 for simplicity,
this is divided by the pop. =60,000,000 =1,000

ie 1000 to each man woman and child.
so in my case £3000 to the home.
I wont be giving up the day job.
Arithmetic not a strong point?
ok double it to 6000 for argument sake-still not enough to persuade a change of approach,
however there is validity to your question as there IS enough money and resources to go round if we were to develop habits of frugality and personal discipline and generosity of spirit and some moderate fortitude. I cannot see it happening unfortunately, as the democratic process is now so degraded that there will have to be serious pain before there is any kind of rational realignment of our thoughts and common beliefs.

I can explain in more detail but I doubt its helpfulness.