Last Friday at the CWW fringe event I had the chance to meet up with friends from the CWW commission. Here's a photo:
L to R - Peter Gardner, Mike Lyall, GK, Susan Clark, Ramsay Shields, Alison Jack, David Denniston, Iain Cunningham, Peter Neilson and Albert Bogle. It was a shame that Fyfe Blair, Susan Brown, Marjory MacLean, Alan Miller and Pat Munro weren't able to make it.
Let me share some lessons I learned on CWW
1. When you are interviewing someone, let them get a chance to speak.
2. Different ideas are good. If you only think the same ideas as you already hold you won't grow, I'm not saying you always need to change your ideas, but, you do need to think through what others think and believe.
3. Listen and speak. Sometimes we need to be quiet so that we can hear others. Listening is respecting and loving. But we don't only listen, we speak. When we speak we share with others, we are honoured by the respect and love they show us when we speak.
4. Unexpected friends are good friends. There are some we hear of and know about who we can well imagine being friends with, they can be good friends. But what a joy to meet others you didn't know, hadn't heard about, wouldn't have chosen to meet and find in them friends, sisters and brothers to trust and share with, living stones whom our one Father will use for his glory.
I'm not sure yet how much our God has done in our church through CWW, but I know how much he has done in me through my sharing in this work. Thank you all for sharing it with me.