Friday, 27 February 2009

Global Poverty Prayer Week

No pictures today.

We always hear news of disasters: earthquakes, tsunami, famine, drought, floods - we hear news for a while and then, all too quickly, pass onto the next thing.

Recognising the great generosity of many people who give so much money to disaster appeals, nevertheless, we are in danger of becoming a society that salves our consciences with a donation, without ever taking in who we are giving to or why.

The challenge of disasters is not always the immediate days after the disaster but in the long years of rebuilding and surviving. We are so quick to forget to keep on praying. Thank God that he does not so quickly pass over us onto his next project or appeal.

Reflect upon this verse

Prov 17:5 He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Maker;
whoever gloats over disaster will not go unpunished.

God of the poor, give us bigger hearts and longer memories. We thank you that you are making us more generous with our money, may this be reflected in making us generous in our praying and caring.

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