Friday, 7 May 2010

Christian Campaigning

I have been pleased to read the report on 'The purpose and nature of campaigning - a Christian perspective', Church and Society, section 11.2.2 (2/61)

For about ten years now at various General Assemblies I've challenged the practice of approving of unlawful protesting at Faslane against the retention and deployment of Trident. Last year I achieved agreement from the Council to prepare this report, and I think it is very good.

The historical review and the theological comment on the responsibility of Christians to campaign on behalf of the poor and victims of injustice is really good and timely.

One major point for the report which I'm not sure about is the claim that it is legitimate to use unlawful means of campaigning where 'the immediate purpose may be to promote public awareness or keep an issue before public attention.' ( 2/64)
For me, the only justifiable cause for unlawful campaigning is where the democratic process is denied to some in the community or is being abused by those elected to serve. To break the law, simply to keep a matter in the view of the public is not something, in the age of blogs, twitter and facebook, that can seriously be proposed as a legitimate use of unlawful campaigning.

So, Ian and Ewen, thanks for the report, but still some work to do here.

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