Monday 29 March 2010

Holy Week - Monday

On this day our Lord returned to Jerusalem from Bethany, cursing the fig tree on His way.

He cleansed the courts of the Temple, and He declared that His Father's House should be a house of prayer for all nations.

Mark 11:12-26
A tree that should bear fruit. A house that should be for prayer.
Things are not the way they should be.
A nation that has been chosen to be a holy people, a royal priesthood is a nation that ought to display the likeness of the God who chose them, the God who brought them out of slavery, who has loved them with a great love.
The heart beat of such a nation is its living together with God. A house of prayer, a symbol for a people of prayer as the way we live together with God. When this symbol is perverted, demeaned, reduced into a market for crooks and swindlers no wonder there is no fruit in the nation.
In the Kingdom where Jesus is the King, where there is no need for a house of prayer because all in the Kingdom are united to the King, that fruit which is a blessing to the nations, a blessing to all creation is grown until the branches groan, so heavy are they with this bountiful fruit.
Jesus is King, His Kingdom has come. But where is the fruit? Where is the people who live by prayer?

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