After two opening chapters, principles on gospel and community, the second and final section of Total Church is on the practice of gospel and community.
On Evangelism.
p. 53 - Much evangelism is skewed towards me and my needs. But, the gospel is about God exercising his rule through his Messiah for his glory.
I've been preaching on Elijah in our evening services and meeting felt needs is a principle aspect of Baal worship, in deed all idol worship. You can here themes from NT Wright on the gospels in this comment on God's rule through his Messiah. I like Wright's work and it is good to see this kind of earthing of it in evangelism.
There is a great section on pp. 60-61 on the vital importance in evangelism of ordinary people doing ordinary things.
On Church Planting
p. 85 makes the claim that church planting is the best way to be missionary. This may be so, but surely the 'best way' is not the only way, and may not be appropriate for all Christian communities.
On the same page a brilliant section on Christian community being at the heart of mission. Mission is not about one, or a group within the community engaging in some 'mission' activity, but about the whole community living as disciples of Jesus.
It seems to me that the purpose of election is mission - on this see Gen 11-12, Chris Wright 'The Mission of God' and other places.
There is a challenge given to congregation who are celebrating anniversaries - 50th, 100th, 125th! What are they celebrating and do they become focused upon their past, their tradition and heritage rather than focusing on their mission in the present and the future?
I hope these short comments of mine are encouraging you to buy and read this book.
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