Saturday 29 August 2009

The God of Miracles

I'm preaching on Gen 16 tomorrow at Portpatrick and read this in Derek Kidner's wonderful commentary (but aren't all Kidner's commentaries helpful in their brevity and clarity).

"This chapter marks another stage in eliminating every means but miracle towards the promised birth."

Yes, nothing but Yahweh's sovereign, powerful intervention, confounding every human expectation will bring the child of promise to birth. Give thanks and praise to the God of miracles.

One of the reasons this has struck me so powerfully is that two weeks ago I met with some friends and one, whom I respect very much, commenting on our present situation (in the Church of Scotland) said, 'Miracles happen, and we need one now.'

From your lips to God's ears. May God remove from us every hope and every human scheme that all the glory and praise may be his when he works in sovereign power.

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