We all know what a substitute is. With the amount of sport on TV it would be difficult not to be aware of substitutes. In one of our Easter hymns we sing together, ‘Bearing shame and scoffing rude, In my place condemned he stood.’ The Lord Jesus is our substitute.
A legal picture
The only way to understand Jesus being our substitute is to realise this is a legal picture. The law which God has given us is conditional: if you keep the law you live, if you disobey you will not live. Our human condition is that no one can keep God’s law. We need a substitute; someone who will take our place and do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.
Christ our substitute
Christ, who does not deserve to be cursed, becomes a curse for us (Gal 3:13). We deserve the punishment which falls upon him. This is why the word penal can be used when referring to Christ's work as our substitute.
But we must remember Christ is innocent; he is perfectly obedient doing all his Father’s will. He is obedient for those who cannot obey: you and me.
The benefits of Christ’s substitution
All that we need to do to be right with God Christ has done for us. By faith we swop places with Jesus. Now that Christ has paid our penalty God will not demand a second payment from us. All that we need to be right with God is found in Christ, and is ours by faith in Christ, as we are united with him.
A great jewel
What will you do with such a precious jewel?
When you look at it remember that you have God’s promise. God promises to make you right with him in Christ, because of all that Christ has done for you.
Do you remember, gazing upon this jewel, that God loves you, loves you so much that Jesus came and died for you. God loves you this much, Jesus took your place.Will you keep this jewel to yourself? Will you not rather show it off to all whom you meet, telling them how much God loves you, and if you, how much he loves them? What a gracious and loving God we have. ‘Hallelujah, what a Saviour!’
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