In Feb 2007 I was able to visit tearfund partners in Malawi. These photos were taken south of Blantyre, in the Chikwawa district. The rightly proud farmer was explaining to us that over the past 10 years the villagers had noticed that their fields were being flooded where previously they had been able to grow good crops. Another poor village falls victim to global climate change.
In a very elegant solution, with help from tearfund partners Eagles, the village had planted this forest. Now when the river floods the waters are diverted away from the fields of crops behind the trees. Together with planting more flood resistant crops these villages are fighting a war against global climate change the effects of which are being set off by an over dependance upon carbon based fuels in Europe and America.
Why not visit the tearfund site and take on the Lent Carbon Fast this year?
Reflect upon this verse:
Psalm 24:1-2 A PSALM OF DAVID.
The earth is the LORD's and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein,
2 for he has founded it upon the seas
and established it upon the rivers.
Please pray
O Lord, strong and mighty, King of glory, Lord of hosts, you love all that you have made and continue to sustain all of your creation, forgive us for our abuse of your creation, as you lead us into new life in Christ Jesus make us agents of change who will worship you by caring for your creation. Be with those poorest peoples who are suffering because of global climate change and bring them relief from this trouble that has fallen upon them.
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